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IGAS2022 では、会期中、毎朝発刊する「IGAS2022 DAILY NEWS」とWEBにて会場のリアルな情報や印刷業界のトレンドなど、旬な情報を毎日更新!
IGAS2022が開幕した。11月24日午前10時半、東展示棟5ホール前で約90人の招待者と経済産業省、(一社)日本印刷産業連合会、全日本印刷工業組合連合会など関係団体の代表を招いて盛大にオープンセレモニーが挙行された。主催団体である(一社)日本印刷産業機械工業会の森澤彰彦会長による開会あいさつ、経済産業省製造産業局の安田篤産業機械課長ならびに日印産連の北島義斉会長の祝辞の後、開幕を告げるテープカットが行われた。(写真 左から塚田JAGAT会長、辻󠄀プリデジ協会長、森澤日印機工会長、安田経産省産業機械課長、北島日印産連会長、滝澤全印工連会長)
IGAS 2022 has opened. At 10:30 AM on November 24, a grand opening ceremony was held in front of East Hall 5, attended by approximately 90 guests and representatives from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Federation of Printing Industries, All Japan Federation of Printing Industries Associations, and other related organizations. After opening remarks by Akihiko Morisawa, Chair of the Japan Printing Machinery Association, which is hosting the event, and congratulatory remarks by Atsushi Yasuda, head of the Industrial Machinery Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Yoshinari Kitajima, Chair of Japan Federation of Printing Industries, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to mark the opening of the exhibition.
IGAS2022のテーマは、「Venture into the innovation!-新たなイノベーションへの挑戦―」です。大変厳しい経営環境ではありますが、危機こそ変革の最大のチャンスであり、未来へとつながるイノベーションに果敢に挑戦するという意味を込めています。印刷会社のお客様であるブランドオーナー視点に立ち、最新のテクノロジーとソリューションを提案します。
特に今回のIGAS2022では、スペシャルナビゲーターにフリーアナウンサーの大橋未歩さんを迎え、IGAS2022の見どころやイベントの紹介、トップインタビューなどを生配信する「IGAS LIVE TV」を実施します。また、前回に引き続き、日本印刷産業連合会様とその会員10団体において実施されている、カレンダー、カタログ、造本装幀、パッケージ等の各種コンテスト受賞作品を一挙大公開する「JAPAN PRINTING EXHIBITION」も開催します。そのほかに、「SMART FACTORY IGAS2022」、「フレキソ・ジャパン2022」なども開催され、盛りだくさんな内容となっています。
Thank you very much for attending the opening ceremony of IGAS 2022 today.
For the first time in four years, IGAS 2022 is opening again. Although the COVID-19 situation remains unpredictable, this event is committed to meeting expectations as a symbol of the revival of the printing industry, with a view toward the end of the pandemic.
The theme of IGAS 2022 is “Venture into the innovation!” The intention of this theme is to express our belief that crisis is the greatest opportunity for change, and that we must boldly take up the challenge of innovation to lead us into the future, despite an extremely difficult environment for business. This event exhibits the latest technologies and solutions from the perspective of brand owners, who are the main customers of the printing industry.
One highlight of this year’s IGAS 2022 will be IGAS LIVE TV, featuring freelance announcer Miho Ohashi as the special navigator, introducing the highlights of IGAS 2022, various events, and top-level interviews, to be broadcast live. Also, continuing from last IGAS, the Japan Printing Exhibition will be held to showcase various contests of award-winning works from the Japan Federation of Printing Industries and its 10 member organizations. The Smart Factory IGAS 2022 and Flexo Japan 2022 events will also be taking place here.
This year’s IGAS 2022 will feature 218 exhibiting companies across 1,875 booths. IGAS 2022 is a comprehensive event for Japan’s printing industry, showcasing the very latest equipment, technologies, and services, and providing a venue for active dialog among businesses, thus contributing to development of the printing industry and expansion of business for both exhibitors and attendees
Every time they are held, IGAS tours are well received. Many attendees took this opportunity to look around the venue on the very first day, November 24.
Two styles of tour are available: the Standard Course, which provides a brief introduction to the overall trends of IGAS, and the Theme-Focus Course, which offers commentary on specialized themes.
参加者はコンダクターの解説を聞きながら会場見学を堪能。熱心にメモを取りながら回る参加者の姿も多く見られた。ツアーの模様は「IGAS LIVE TV」でもライブ配信された。
◇ツアーコンダクター 影山史枝氏・㈱スイッチ/田中良平氏・(一社)日本グラフィックサービス工業会専務理事/山田秀生氏・奥村印刷㈱取締役常務執行役員/吉川武志氏・日本プリンティングアカデミー専任講師/宮本泰夫氏・㈱バリューマシーンインターナショナル取締役副社長
Attendees enjoyed tours of the venue while listening to commentary by the tour conductors. Many attendees were seen going around enthusiastically taking notes. Scenes from these tours were also broadcast live on IGAS LIVE TV.